Petal Porcelain
Choosing Your Materials
- Items to Decorate: basket, wicker items, vine wreaths, furniture, boxes, etc.
- Silk Flowers & Leaves: Polyester flowers and leaves.
- Petal Porcelain Setting Agent
- FolkArt Color Spray Paint
- FolkArt Acrylic Colors
- FolkArt Crystal Clear Ultra Thick Glaze
- FolkArt Brushes
- Scissors/Wire Cutters
- Container of Water
- Hat Pins
- Ribbon
- Paper Twist Ribbon
- Table Palette
The first step is to paint your item with an undercoat of flat white paint (Wicker White FolkArt Spray Colors). When the undercoat is dry, spray the item with your basecoat color. If you are using white then you job is finished.
Spray-paint your item outdoors so you don't breathe any of the paint. When spray painting the piece, turn it upside down, sideways, and every way possible while you spray it.
Dipping and Attaching the Flowers & Ribbons
The flowers, leaves, and ribbon are treated with the Petal Porcelain Setting Agent and placed onto the item one at a time. I generally start with the leaves (as flowers are generally on top of them), then the larger blooms and larger buds, then the ribbon, and finally the smaller accent flowers.
Dip the flower, leaf spring, or ribbon to be attached into the Petal Porcelain, Strip the excess mixture from the flower, leaf spring, or ribbon by pulling it through your fingers. Lay the flower, leaf spring, or ribbon in place on the item to be decorated.
When placing the wet flowers onto your basket or other item, it is imperative that you balance the basket so the wet flowers have a reasonably level surface to rest against.
I sometimes achieve this by turning the baskets on its side, other items by resting it on my knees with handle propped against my work table, or I might nest it on its side inside a round trash basket or similar container.